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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?!? The REAL September 2013 Format

Take everything you know about Yugioh and throw it out the window! Yesterday, Konami revealed that not only are we getting a different ban list than the OCG, but we'll have a new list every four months. Let's look at our crazy list.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Update: I'VE BEEN HAD! The List That Isn't Ours

Hello, AverageDuelists! I'm finally back after taking some time off. I was playing (and doing pretty well) a few months ago with Chain Beat, but life has this nasty habit of getting in the way of Yugioh. A couple days ago, a list was posted with Giant Trunade replacing Heavy Storm, and a new rule where only 6 Dragon Ruler cards could be used per deck. The real list, however, is much better. In my opinion, this is looking to be the best format we've had in quite a while. The took care of pretty much every problem in the game right now. Let's have a look;

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Deck Construction: Rescue the Hero

Today I'm going to build a deck I've been thinking about for quite a while. Rescue Rabbit is a very powerful card. Its one is an automatic +1 on the field and sets you up for big Xyz plays. Rescue Rabbit has been a huge part of the game since its release, being used with Dinosaurs to make the Evolzar monsters. Aside from that, it can be used in any deck using Normal Monsters.

After trying out the Noble Rabbit deck, using Rabbit to Special Summon Noble Knight Artorigus to make Heroic Champion - Excalibur, Blade Armor Ninja, and setting up plays with Number 16: Shock Master; I started to think of other ways to use this amazing effect. When you think about a deck that has many different Vanilla Monsters, what's the first thing that comes to mind? If you said Elemental Heroes, this deck may be for you!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Star Pack 2013: Moar Utopia!

Star Pack 2013 releases in a few days and spoilers have been pretty scarce since the product was advertised last month. Today, the full card list has been released and it's not terrible.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Duel Video: X-Sabers vs Dragunity

I was able to get more time in with DevPro, and it's pretty amazing. From what I've seen, it's very hard, if not impossible to run into a bunch of trolls who don't even play correctly. A great part of this program is that you can save a replay of every game and upload it later on. It's been quite a few years since I was able to upload a duel, but with it being so easy with DevPro, expect to see many more. Most people know me as a Saber player, so here's my first DevPro video.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Guest Article: Cards to Combat the Next Meta

Today, we have a guest article written by a really good friend, sometimes teammate of mine, and fellow average duelist, abosspanda.

Hey there everyone! abosspanda here with an article for you guys to look over and maybe get a little insight on a few card choices for this upcoming format. So without further ado here it is.

Quick Post: A New Way to Duel Online

If you're anything like me, you don't always have the time, cards, and/or opportunity to get out to locals or gather with friends for a few games. A lot of players turn to online dueling to try new decks, test new cards they don't have yet, or just to have some fun. You can find my article about online dueling HERE. I recently found out about a new program that takes all the work out of online dueling, called YGOPro, and even though I haven't had much time to mess with it yet, it looks pretty great and easy to use.

Since I really can't say a lot about it yet, I'll leave it to you to check it out if you haven't done so already. Take a look at DevPro admin, AccessDenied's blog at to see some interesting articles and get acquainted with YGOPro DevPro.